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Budget Process

Most of the school district's annual operating revenue comes from local property taxes. Tax rate allocations are determined by the Nassau County Board of Supervisors based on four classes of property. Property taxes for school district purposes may be deducted as local tax expenses on Federal and State income tax returns. Other major sources of revenue include grants and financial aid from State and Federal governments, rental income, interest on investments, and fees from Adult Program courses and summer programs.

The TAX CODE NUMBER FOR THE SCHOOL DISTRICT IS 234. It must be entered on New York State Income Tax Returns (Forms IT-200 and IT-201).

The budget process begins in early fall. By the middle of the school year, the Superintendent -- drawing on recommendations that he has been reviewing from principals, staff, PTAs and the UPTC Budget Committee -- presents her proposals to the Board of Education in the form of a Preliminary Working Budget. Copies of the Preliminary Working Budget are distributed at each of the Public Budget Hearings and are available at the Phipps Administration Building. Reference copies are available in each public school and in the Great Neck Library and its branches. All residents receive a mailing from the school district that includes the dates and locations of the Budget Hearings, the Proposed Budget Adoption, and the Budget Vote.

The schools also hold public budget meetings, under PTA auspices, for parents to examine and discuss the Preliminary Working Budget with Board trustees and staff.

The Board refrains from making firm decisions on budget appropriations until it has listened to the concerns of the community at the Hearings and through communications. After lengthy public discussion, the Board adopts the Proposed Budget, which is presented to the voters in May. All residents are informed through a districtwide mailing of the essential components of the Proposed Budget and of the Public Budget Vote. Copies of the Proposed Budget are available at Phipps, the schools, and the libraries.

If the Proposed Budget is not approved, the Board may resubmit the same or a revised Budget to the voters. If voter approval is not obtained, the Board is required to adopt a State-mandated Contingency Budget, which provides funds for maintaining current programs and meeting contractual obligations, but eliminates and/or restricts funds for sports and recreation, and classroom learning supplies and equipment.