Optional Attendance Zone FAQs
Parents/guardians of 5th grade students who reside in the Optional Attendance Zone catchment area may choose to have their children attend North Middle School instead of South Middle School beginning in 6th grade. As long as the student remains continuously enrolled in the Great Neck Public Schools, they attend North Middle School through 8th grade and continue at North High School for grades 9-12. Guidelines for new registrants apply to students whose enrollment in the Great Neck Public Schools is not continuous. Individual emails were sent to parents/guardians of all Optional Zone eligible children early in December 2024 with responses due to Dr. Stephen C. Lando, Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education, by January 31, 2025. If your child is currently enrolled in the Great Neck Public Schools, you reside in the Optional Attendance Zone, and you missed this deadline, please contact Dr. Lando at slando@greatneck.k12.ny.us. If your child is a new entrant residing in the Optional Attendance Zone, please go to the Optional Attendance Zone page for New 6th Grade Entrants. The questions and answers that follow provide pertinent information to assist parents/guardians in making this decision.
Unless a student moves to a different school attendance area and provided a student remains continuously enrolled in the Great Neck Public Schools, once a student has made their Optional Attendance Zone choice, they will continue to attend North Middle School/North High School or South Middle School/South High School until they complete their secondary school education . Guidelines for new registrants apply to students whose enrollment in the Great Neck Public Schools is not continuous. Please see Board of Education Policy 5110.
If you reside in the Optional Attendance Zone and your child is currently enrolled in the Great Neck Public Schools, and you wish your child to attend South Middle School and South High School beginning in 6th grade, no action is necessary.
If your child is currently enrolled in the Great Neck Public Schools, you reside in the Optional Attendance Zone, and you wish your child to attend North Middle School and North High School beginning in 6th grade, please contact the Assistanct Superintendent for Secondary Education at (516) 441-4009.
If you reside in the Optional Attendance Zone and your child will be a new entrant who will be fully registered by September 30, 2025, please go to the Optional Attendance Zone Page for New 6th Grade Entrants.
December 2024
Optional Attendance Zone Request for 2025-2026
The Board of Education of the Great Neck Public Schools is pleased to offer an “Optional Attendance Zone” choice to current 5th grade students who live in the E.M. Baker and Saddle Rock attendance areas, who are zoned to attend South Middle School, and who are fully registered and enrolled in 6th grade by September 30, 2025. Ideally, 35-40 students will elect to attend North Middle School. Students electing to attend North Middle School must remain continuously enrolled in the Great Neck Public Schools in order to attend North Middle School through 8th grade, and to continue at North High School for grades 9-12. Guidelines for new registrants apply to students whose enrollment in the Great Neck Public Schools is not continuous. You are receiving this communication because you are entitled to take advantage of this opportunity. All students who exercise this option are eligible for transportation if they reside beyond North Middle School’s “walker” limits, and their younger siblings will be provided with the same “Optional Zone” choice when they reach 6th grade. Please note that older siblings who are not presently enrolled at North Middle School or North High School are not eligible.
The Optional Attendance Zone FAQ (https://www.greatneck.k12.ny.us/administration/curriculum-and-instruction/optional-attendance-zone-faq) can provide you with more information about each of our secondary schools prior to making your Optional Attendance Zone decision. In addition, you are welcome to attend public events as shown on the GNPS Interactive Calendar. (Please go to https://www.greatneck.k12.ny.us/calendars/calendar.)
If you meet the “Optional Attendance Zone” requirements listed above and elect to have your child attend North Middle School, please complete this Parent Square Form by January 31, 2025. No action is required if your child will attend 6th grade at South Middle School. Note that you must submit a request even if your child’s older sibling(s) already attend North High School or North Middle School. Confirmation approving your request will be sent on or about February 14, 2025. Please contact the Office of Instruction (516-441-4009) if you have any questions.
Very truly yours,
Kenneth R. Bossert, Ed.D.
Superintenent of Schools
You may also return printed and signed forms via US Mail to:
Assistant Superintendent for Secondary Education
Great Neck Public Schools
Phipps Administration Building
345 Lakeville Road
Great Neck, NY 11020
All students who elect to attend North Middle School are eligible for transportation if they reside beyond North Middle School’s “walker” limits.
The Board of Education regularly reviews school enrollments and, on an annual basis, determines whether or not the Optional Attendance Zone will continue. Although there is no assurance that the practice will continue in future years, those Baker and Saddle Rock families that choose North Middle School for their current 5th grade children are assured that younger siblings will have the opportunity to attend the same secondary school as their older siblings. (Please note that older siblings who are not presently enrolled at North Middle School or North High School are not eligible.)