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Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE)

Do you have a child who is 2 years 6 months of age or so, and receiving Early Intervention services? If you do, now is the time to contact the CPSE office to begin your child’s transition to CPSE. It is important to start this process early, as it can take up to a month and half to complete the process. Your EI service coordinator has likely encouraged you to start the transition early as well. If your child becomes eligible for CPSE service, your child may be entitled to the option of remaining in EI past his or her 3rd birthday before starting CPSE services.

Do you have a preschool child who is between 2 years 6 months and 5 years of age who is having difficulties with cognition, language, motor, or social development? If you do, consider calling this office to discuss your concerns and/or to initiate a CPSE referral.

Do you already have an appointment with the CPSE office? If you do, we ask that you bring a copy of your child’s birth certificate and all of your most recent (within one year) EI progress reports.

Your CPSE team:

Craig Gootman, Ph.D. - CPSE Chair
Email Dr. Gootman

Dede Adams - head secretary
Email Ms. Adams
Fax: 516-441-4398

Our office is located at Parkville Early Child Center in New Hyde Park. 

We are the only district staff involved in your child’s CPSE referral and services. All evaluations and services are provided and funded through Nassau County Department of Health.

We are here for your children and work within the parameters of New York State special education law to determine eligibility for preschool special education services. Should your child not meet eligibility for preschool special education, we can certainly provide you with guidance regarding the facilitation of your child’s development.