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Office of Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services

Photo of Dr. Joseph Hickey

Dr. Joseph Hickey
Assistant Superintendent for
Special Education and Pupil Personnel Services
Clover Drive Adult Center
105 Clover Drive
Great Neck, NY 11021
Email Dr. Hickey

The Great Neck Public School District offers a wide variety of support services for all students and families in our school community. The Pupil Personnel Services staff includes: school psychologists, school social workers, registered nurses, special education teachers, speech teachers, teachers of the hearing impaired/deaf, vision therapists, and occupational and physical therapists. In addition, pediatricians and child psychiatrists consult with the district on an ongoing basis. As a result, a full range of health, diagnostic, educational, and direct clinical services are available at each school for students, staff, and parents. Staff development and parenting workshops are held throughout the district.

The district provides a full continuum of special education supports and services for over 1000 school-age students and for some 130 preschoolers between three- and five-years of age.

Great Neck special education initiatives include individualized programming that allows student needs to be met in the least restrictive environment. Co-teaching and consultant teacher services, a wide range of related services, and assistive technology are provided in the classroom. Self-contained classes are also maintained at each grade level to provide greater educational support, when appropriate. There are several programs to enable students with intensive needs to remain in the Great Neck Public Schools.

At the secondary level, mainstream supports include team-taught classes in many subject areas and alternative high school settings at the Village School and SEAL program. A transition coordinator assists students in securing participation in community activities and work-study opportunities to facilitate a successful transition to the adult world.

The Great Neck Committee for Special Education (CSE) and the Committee for Preschool Special Education (CPSE) meet when necessary to review programs and services for students with disabilities. Practices and procedures comply with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, as well as with New York State education law and the regulations of the Commissioner of Education.