2024-25 Board Goals
The Board of Education sets several goals it would like to achieve by the end of each school year. After much deliberation, the following goals were developed by the Great Neck Board of Education for the current school year:
1. Continued Enhanced Student Achievement, Community Unity and Engagement
a. We will use various methodologies available to make certain that all stakeholders are able to both receive and offer information regarding the work of the district. We will continue to maximize the use of district resources, inclusive of the newly redesigned website, newsletters and GNPS TV, to share the excellence taking place throughout the district.
b. Thought Exchange will be used as a methodology to allow for insight and feedback to be provided by all district stakeholders. Parent Square will streamline communication and enhance the home/school connection.
c. The District Administration will work collaboratively with parent groups and community organizations to enhance the overall educational experience within the district. This will include newly established BOE Committees focused on key areas (such as Curriculum, Instruction and Budget Development). We will evaluate our programs to make certain that we are adapting to the ever changing needs of our students and community.
d. We will recognize and celebrate that we are one district of excellence. We will continue to celebrate diversities and make certain our programs and offerings are consistent while allowing for uniqueness to best serve our students and families within each building. “Consistency, not uniformity” will be our shared vision.
e. We will study student performance based on demographics to allocate appropriate resources to support student achievement.
f. We will continue to celebrate our diversities and create purposeful opportunities to learn from each other across our curriculum areas.
2. Preparing for the Post-Secondary Experience
a. In partnership with Molloy University and all stakeholder groups, create a “Portrait of a GNPS graduate” to guide and focus our work, focus and desired outcomes.
b. We will examine all practices that relate to the transition from GNPS to post-secondary planning: college, career, or military (“enroll, employ or enlist”).
c. We will work with secondary administration and guidance counselors to make certain students are given every opportunity to meet with success in the competitive college application process (if this is the student’s selected path).
d. We will continue to foster, expand and create vocational opportunities through the focus on our in-house programs, internships and partnerships with BOCES.
e. We will enlist the assistance of our community and alumni to help to diversify our student’s exposure to “life after GNPS”.
3. Focus on Student Well-Being and a well rounded PK-12 Experience
a. We will continue to focus on the mental wellness needs of our students; recognizing the balance that needs to exist between academic rigor and physical/emotional well-being.
b. We will continue to evaluate the use of iPads and other technologies to make certain our program does not place an overemphasis on screen time or cellphone use.
c. We will continue to raise awareness regarding the dangers of social media on students’ mental health and well-being. This will include our continued curricular focus on News Media Literacy and examination of the impact of Artificial Intelligence on both academics and society.