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Five members of the South Middle School Math Team stand in front of a MoMathlon competition banner holding a trophy

On Jan. 22, teams of students from South Middle School finished in first and second place in the Long Island Regional MoMathlon, and six students earned top honors in the individual rounds of competition. This regional tournament, hosted by Brookhaven National Laboratory, features middle school students from across Long Island competing in three rounds of mathematical problems: team round, individual round, and mix-up rounds.

In the team round of competition, South Middle’s Team A won first place and Team B came in second. Members of Team A are Austin Chen, Bruce Peng, Kelvin Xu, Nathan Yu, and Zale Zhang, and members of Team B are Yu Han Chen, Ethan Han, Jada Lin, Jack Pei, and Andrew Zhang.

In the individual round, South Middle students Zale Zhang won first place and Bruce Peng came in second for the lower division (grades 6–7), while Austin Chen won first place, Yuhan Chen came in third, Kelvin Xu took fourth, and Jada Lin placed fifth in the upper division (grade 8).

Based on their performance at the regional competition, South Middle participants will advance to the MoMathlon Tournament of Champions in New York City.

The MoMathlon competition is co-sponsored by the National Museum of Math, Con Edison, and the Brookhaven National Laboratory. The faculty advisor of the South Middle School Math Team is Nathan Wong, science teacher.

Five middle school students, with the student in the center holing a second place trophy