105 Clover Drive
Great Neck, N.Y. 11021
Supportive Environment for All Learners
The SEAL Program is an innovative high school program in the Great Neck Public Schools serving students in grades 9 – 12. This alternative program offers support and encouragement changing struggle into success.
SEAL provides differentiated instruction in a small student-to-teacher ratio in an effort to assist with credit recovery. This allows students to graduate with their peers, on time.
SEAL students follow the New York State curriculum and earn a Regents or local high school diploma.
A full range of academic courses is offered at SEAL, including English, math, science, social studies, and physical education. Elective courses such as Horticulture, Business Math, Marine Biology, Nutrition, and Digital Music allow students to pursue special interests as well.
Students earn credit for coursework based on consistent attendance, participation, and effort. All schoolwork is completed within the hours of the school day, although students are encouraged to study and review at home.
Students' progress is monitored closely. Team meetings are held four times a year to share specific feedback and set academic goals with students and parents.
In addition to academics, there are regularly scheduled, individual counseling sessions to help students cope with academic and/or personal concerns at school and/or at home.
Our track record speaks for itself! SEAL gets students back on their feet and ready to face their future!
Period 3 10:20-11:00
BREAK 11:00-11:10
Period 4 11:10-11:50
Period 5 11:50-12:30
LUNCH 12:30-1:10
Period 6 1:10-1:50
Period 7 1:50-2:25
Period 8 2:25-3:00